Issue №: 4 (35)
The issue of the collection is dedicated to the study of optimization of technological methods of growing agricultural crops. A special role is given to the influence of perennial grasses and legumes on improving soil fertility, chemical protection of agricultural crops, peculiarities of growing vegetable crops, ecology and environmental protection.
Shcatula Yurii – Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate of Professor of the department of agriculture, soil science and agrochemistry of Vinnytsia National Agrarian University (21008, Vinnytsia, Sonaychna St. 3, e-mail: shkatula@vsau.vin.ua).
Oleksandr Vuiko – postgraduate student of the Department of Agriculture, Soil Science and Agrochemistry of Vinnytsia National Agrarian University (21008, Vinnytsia, Sonaychna St. 3, e-mail: oleksandrvujko@gmail.com).
The article presents the results of experimental research on the influence of pre-sowing seed treatment and microfertilizer application on the structural elements of pea yield. During the experiment, changes in individual productivity indicators were investigated depending on the experimental variant. The aim of the research was to study the structural elements of pea seed yield and the specific effects of pre-sowing treatment and foliar fertilization on them. Field and laboratory studies were conducted on the experimental plots of the “Agronomic” Research Institute of the Vinnytsia National Agrarian University during 2022-2024. The experimental area is characterized by gray forest soils with a humus content of 2.0-2.2%. In the field experiment, medium-ripening varieties were used: the domestic variety Haiduk and the foreign variety Karen; biological preparations – Anderyz at 3 l/ha, Biomag- Horokh at 2 l/ha, Optimize Pulse at 3 l/ha; microfertilizers – Helprost Soy at 3 l/ha, Vuksal Microplant at 1 l/ha. According to the results of the conducted research, it was established that the use of biopreparations and microfertilizers had a significant effect on the yield structure indicators, although they largely depended on weather and climatic conditions. Overall, during 2022-2024, the average number of pods per plant for the Haiduk variety was 3.48, while for the Karen variety it was 3.35, and the weight of 1000 seeds was 232.5 g and 227.3 g, respectively. The maximum number of pods and the weight of 1000 seeds were formed in the variant where seed inoculation was done with the Optimize Pulse preparation and foliar fertilization was carried out during the budding phase with the Vuksal Microplant preparation, which amounted to 3.77 pods/plant and 255.5 g for the Haiduk variety, and 3.63 pods/plant and 247.1 g for the Karen variety. This is an increase of 20.8% and 21.9% for the Haiduk variety, and 20.1% and 21.4% for the Karen variety, compared to the control.
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About journal
Topics of the Journal:
Program goals (basic principles): questions of technology and efficiency of crop production, scientific and industrial aspects of agronomic specialties, ecology and forestry.
Articles on such scientific problems are accepted for printing:
Plant production, current state and prospects for development.
Agrochemistry and modern aspects of fertilizers and biologically active substances application.
Feed production, current state and prospects for development.
Selection, seed production, seed science and varieties.
Protection of plants.
Soil managment and soil quality improvement.
Forestry and gardening.
Vegetables and mushrooms, current status and development trends.
Ecology and environmental protection.
Theory and history of agricultural sciences and forestry.
Modern directions of development of arable land and forestry.
Innovative and investment activities in agriculture and forestry.
Directions and efficiency of crop production
Bioenergy resources of crop production and forestry.
Production of renewable energy from biological resources.
Organic farming, the main area of development and production of organic products.
Agriculture and modern crop rotation and soil cultivation.
Horticulture and viticulture.
Processing and storage of crop products.
Beekeeping, current status and development trends.
Contemporary biological research in crop production and forestry.
Progressive technologies of the agricultural complex.
Psychological and pedagogical problems of agrarian education.
The young scientist opinion.
Journal History:
Scientific journal "AGRICULTURE AND FORESTRY" was founded in 1995; it was entitled as Bulletin of Vinnytsya State Agricultural Institute.
In 2010-2014 was enritled as Collection of scientific works of Vinnytsia National Agrarian University.
It has been named as Agriculture and Forestry since 2015.
Listed in the updated list of scientific professional editions of Ukraine on agricultural sciences under the name Agriculture and Forestry (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine of May 16, 2016; No. 515).
Since 2015, "Agriculture and Forestry". (archive of previous issues for 2015-2019) at http://forestry.vsau.edu.ua/.
The journal “Agriculture and Forestry (ISSN: 2707-5826)” passed the evaluation process of Index Copernicus positively and is indexed in the database of ICI Journals Master List ICV for 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 is presented in the full list of indexed journals in the Master List International List
According to the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 17.03.2020 № 409. The journal Agriculture and Forestry is included in the List of scientific professional publications of Ukraine Category "B" in agricultural sciences (specialties) - 101, 201, 202, 203, 205, 206.
According to the decision of the National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine dated 25.04.2024 No. 1337 scientific journal “Agriculture and Forestry” has the ID of the Media R30-05174.