Issue №: 4 (15)
Publications are devoted to the reserch of technological methods of cultivation of crops, preservation of soil fertility, through the cultivation of perennial grasses and legumes, alternatives to the marginal lands utilization, greening agricultural production, the use of selection indices for the identification of source material, reproduction.
Palamarchuk Vitalii – Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Plant Production, Selection and Bioenergetic cultures (21008, Vinnytsia, Soniachna Str. 3, е-mail: vd-palamarchuk@ukr.net).
Krychkovskyi Vadym – postgraduate student of Vinnytsia National Agrarian University (21008, Vinnytsia, Soniachna Str. 3).
The article presents the results of Efluent organic fertilizer research. We used pig manure to obtain biomass (residues); it also provided biogas production after digestion. We used a biogas system located in LLC Organic-D for fermentation of biomass, it is located in the village of Sutysky, Tyvriv district, Vinnytsia region, Ukraine. The prospects of using similar types of fertilizers have been analyzed. Agrochemical and microbiological analysis was carried out in specialized laboratories for organic fertilizers. It has been established that the peculiarities of animal maintenance and feeding have affected the chemical composition of manure, it is confirmed by the data of microbiological and agrochemical analysis, in particular the level of its invasive contamination. The total number of fungi in the samples ranged from 118.8 to 193.8 thousand / g. The species composition of pathogenic fungi in manure were pathogenic species of the genus Alternaria and Fusarium by 3.2%, and the number of pathogenic species of fungi not rejuvenated manure was 66.7% (from the genus Fusarium - 9.5%, from the genus Aspergillus - 57.2%). Among saprotrophic fungi there are species from the genus Penicillium (Penicillium janczewskii Zaleski, P. raciborskii Zaleski, P. simplicissimum (Oudem.) Thom, P. chryzogenum Thom) from the genus Acremonium (Acremonium Kiliense Grutz). In the first sample (fermented) the number of saprotrophic fungi from the genus Penicillium was 87.1%, from the genus Acremonium 6.5%. In the second sample (without fermentation), the number of saprotrophic fungi of the genus Penicillium decreased to 33.3%. Saprotrophic fungi of the genus Acremonium were not observed. Among toxin-forming species, Penicillium janczewskii Zaleski, Penicillium chryzogenum Thom, Aspergillus flavus, Alternaria alternata (Fr.) Keissl. and Fusarium oxysporum (Schlecht.) Snyd. et Hans) were observed. A high amount of toxin-forming fungi was found in undiluted manure - 85.7%. In the updated material, the percentage of toxin-forming fungi was lower by 16.1%. Organic fertilizer Efluent was characterized by an alkaline reaction (pH 8.5), high moisture content (98.4%), significant content of nitrate nitrogen (18.2 mg/kg), copper (4.6 mg/kg), zinc (32 mg/kg), manganese (20 mg/kg) and iron (120 mg/kg). Therefore, the use of this fertilizer will provide plants with both macro and microelements, and its application on acidic soils will also reduce the level of soil acidity. Prospects of its use in soils with the raised acidity of a soil solution are given.
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About journal
Topics of the Journal:
Program goals (basic principles): questions of technology and efficiency of crop production, scientific and industrial aspects of agronomic specialties, ecology and forestry.
Articles on such scientific problems are accepted for printing:
Plant production, current state and prospects for development.
Agrochemistry and modern aspects of fertilizers and biologically active substances application.
Feed production, current state and prospects for development.
Selection, seed production, seed science and varieties.
Protection of plants.
Soil managment and soil quality improvement.
Forestry and gardening.
Vegetables and mushrooms, current status and development trends.
Ecology and environmental protection.
Theory and history of agricultural sciences and forestry.
Modern directions of development of arable land and forestry.
Innovative and investment activities in agriculture and forestry.
Directions and efficiency of crop production
Bioenergy resources of crop production and forestry.
Production of renewable energy from biological resources.
Organic farming, the main area of development and production of organic products.
Agriculture and modern crop rotation and soil cultivation.
Horticulture and viticulture.
Processing and storage of crop products.
Beekeeping, current status and development trends.
Contemporary biological research in crop production and forestry.
Progressive technologies of the agricultural complex.
Psychological and pedagogical problems of agrarian education.
The young scientist opinion.
Journal History:
Scientific journal "AGRICULTURE AND FORESTRY" was founded in 1995; it was entitled as Bulletin of Vinnytsya State Agricultural Institute.
In 2010-2014 was enritled as Collection of scientific works of Vinnytsia National Agrarian University.
It has been named as Agriculture and Forestry since 2015.
Listed in the updated list of scientific professional editions of Ukraine on agricultural sciences under the name Agriculture and Forestry (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine of May 16, 2016; No. 515).
Since 2015, "Agriculture and Forestry". (archive of previous issues for 2015-2019) at http://forestry.vsau.edu.ua/.
The journal “Agriculture and Forestry (ISSN: 2707-5826)” passed the evaluation process of Index Copernicus positively and is indexed in the database of ICI Journals Master List ICV for 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 is presented in the full list of indexed journals in the Master List International List
According to the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 17.03.2020 № 409. The journal Agriculture and Forestry is included in the List of scientific professional publications of Ukraine Category "B" in agricultural sciences (specialties) - 101, 201, 202, 203, 205, 206.
According to the decision of the National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine dated 25.04.2024 No. 1337 scientific journal “Agriculture and Forestry” has the ID of the Media R30-05174.