
Agriculture and forestry


Issue №: 1 (28)

Published: 2023.05.02
DOI: 10.37128/2707-5826-2023-1

The issue of the magazine is dedicated to the study of the optimization of technological methods of growing agricultural crops. An important role is assigned to the influence of leguminous crops on the preservation of soil fertility, adaptive selection, ecology and environmental protection, methods of combating pests, and the introduction of ornamental plants.

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DOI: 10.37128/2707-5826-2023-1-13
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Oleksandr Tkachuk − doctor of agricultural sciences, professor, head of the department of ecology and environmental protection of Vinnytsia National Agrarian University. (str. Sunny, 3, Vinnitsa city, 21008. tel. 0679546095. e-mail:tkachukop@ukr.net).

Snizhana Pankova − graduate student of the department of ecology and environmental protection, assistant of the department of forestry, horticulture, horticulture and viticulture of Vinnytsia National Agrarian University. (str. Sonyachna, 3, Vinnytsia city, 21008. tel. 0968403551. e-mail: kartushina777@icloud.com).


Today, the current state of field protection forest plantations is practically unknown. This is due to the fact that their inventory has not been carried out since the mid-70s of the twentieth century. There are data indicating the presence of 0.43-0.44 million hectares of field protection plantations in Ukraine. About 13 million hectares of agricultural land are under the protection of this area of field protection forest strips, which is only 30% of the total area of such land in Ukraine. Taking into account roadside, farm, watershed forest strips, forest areas adjacent to fields, steppe glades with trees, the area of agrolandscape protection increases to 40% of their total number. Today, field protection forest cover in the agro-landscapes of Ukraine is 1.5%, while the scientifically-based coverage is 3.0-3.5%. Therefore, along with the creation of new forest strips, an important task is the inventory, care, reconstruction and preservation of the existing field protection forest plantations. Plowing the edges of the field to the outermost row of trees is most often 1.5 m for the main field protection forest strips and 1.0 m for the auxiliary field protection forest strips, although this distance can vary from 0.5 to 10.0 m. Among all the studied field protection forest strips 25,0-28.6% did not have field roads. Other field protection forest strips had field roads with an average width of 3.0-4.0 m. The projection of the crown of the outer row of trees of the forest strip protruding above the field can be 1.0-12.0 m, most often - 7.0-8.0 m. Corn and winter wheat are the main agricultural crops adjacent to field protection forest strips in the conditions of the Right Bank Forest Steppe. They were grown on 71.4-75.0% of the investigated fields. The main factors of suppressing the trees of field protection forest strips by cultivated crops are deep plowing to a depth of 25-27 cm near the forest strip for corn crops; the spreading method of applying mineral fertilizers, which is about 850 kg/ha of physical weight when growing corn and 650 kg/ha - when growing winter wheat; spraying of crops with synthetic pesticides, growth stimulants, trace elements and other drugs, which can be repeated up to 8-9 times during the growing season for both winter wheat and corn, especially by aerial method.

Keywords: field protection forest strips, ecological condition, agriculture, influence, intensification.

List of references

1. Lukisha V.V. (2013). Ekolohichni funktsii polezakhysnykh lisovykh nasadzhen. [Ecological functions of field protection forest plantations]. Ekolohichni nauky – Environmental sciences. № 1. Р. 56-64. [in Ukrainian].

2. Hladun H.B. (2005). Znachennia zakhysnykh lisovykh nasadzhen dlia zabezpechennia staloho rozvytku ahrolandshaftiv. [The value of protective forest plantations for ensuring the sustainable development of agricultural landscapes]. Naukovyi visnyk UkrDLTU – Scientific Bulletin of UkrDLTU. Vol. 14. Р. 113-118. [in Ukrainian].

3. Kolomiichuk V.P. (2010). Zakhysni lisosmuhy yak element ekomerezhi stepovoi zony Ukrainy. [Protective forest strips as an element of the ecosystem of the steppe zone of Ukraine]. Ekolohichnyi visnyk – Environmental Herald. № 6. Р. 11-12. [in Ukrainian].

4. Maksymenko M.V., Zaichenko Ya.S. (2009). Ahroekolohichne znachennia tryvaloho isnuvannia systemy lisosmuh. [The agroecological significance of the longterm existence of the forest strip system]. Naukovi pratsi Umanskoho universytetu sadivnytstva – Scientific works of the Uman University of Horticulture. Vol. 71. Р. 229-236. [in Ukrainian].

5. Prykhodko S.A., Chyrkova O.V. (2009). Efektyvnist funktsionuvannia lisosmuh yak ekolohichnykh korydoriv ekomerezhi. [Effectiveness of functioning of forest strips as ecological corridors of the eco-network]. Promyslova botanika – Industrial botany. Vol. 9. Р. 25-31. [in Ukrainian].

6. Iukhnovskyi V.Iu. (2005). Lisoahrarni landshafty rivnynnoi Ukrainy: optymizatsiia, normatyvy, ekolohichni aspekty. [Forest-agrarian landscapes of lowland Ukraine: optimization, regulations, ecological aspects]. K.: Instytut ahrarnoi ekonomiky. 273 р. [in Ukrainian].

7. Chyrkova O.V. (2010). Struktura lisosmuh yak skladovyi element ekolohichnoi merezhi. [The structure of forest strips as a constituent element of the ecological network]. Problemy ekolohii ta okhorony pryrody tekhnohennoho rehionu – Problems of ecology and nature protection of the man-made region. № 1 (10). Р. 97-104. [in Ukrainian].

8. Furdychko O.I., Stadnik A.P. (2008). Lisovi melioratsii yak osnovnyi faktor stabilizatsii lisovykh ekosystem. [Forest reclamation as the main factor in the stabilization of forest ecosystems]. Ekolohiia ta noosferolohiia – Ecology and noospherology. Vol. 19. № 3 (4). Р. 13-24. [in Ukrainian].

9. Stadnyk A.P. (2008). Landshaftno-ekolohichna optymizatsiia system zakhysnykh lisovykh nasadzhen Ukrainy: avtoreferat dysertatsii na zdobuttia naukovoho stupenia d-ra s.-h. nauk. [Landscape-ecological optimization of the systems of protective forest plantations of Ukraine: abstract of the dissertation for obtaining the scientific degree of Dr. Agriculture of science]. K.: Instytut ahroekolohii. 46 р. [in Ukrainian].

10. Tkachuk O.P. (2022). Peredumovy perekhodu zemlerobstva v Ukraini na ekoloho-zbalansovani pryntsypy. [Prerequisites for the transition of agriculture in Ukraine to ecologically balanced principles]. Ekolohichni nauky – Environmental sciences. № 5 (44). Р. 144-149. DOI: 10.32846/2306-9716/2022.eco.5-44.21 [in Ukrainian].

11. Zaika V.K., Kaleniuk Yu.S., Krynytskyi H.T., Matusiak M.V., Prokopchuk V.M. (2022). Lisivnycho-ekolohichna rol lypy sertselystoi v hrabovykh dibrovakh Zakhidnoho Podillia: monohrafiia. [Forestry and ecological role of linden in hornbeam forests of Western Podillia: monograph]. Vinnytsia: TOV «Tvory». 198 р. [in Ukrainian].

12. Telekalo N.V., Matusiak M.V., Prokopchuk V.M. (2021). Lisivnychoekolohichni osoblyvosti lisovidnovlennia ta lisorozvedennia v umovakh Podillia: monohrafiia. [Forestry and ecological features of reforestation and afforestation in the conditions of Podillia: monograph]. Vinnytsia. 184 р. [in Ukrainian].

13. Matusiak M.V., Kvasnevskyi O.A. (2021). Vplyv zakhysnykh lisovykh nasadzhen na yakist pryrodnykh vod. [The influence of protective forest plantations on the quality of natural waters]. Aktualni pytannia rozvytku suchasnoi nauky ta osvity (ch. I): materialy III Mizhnar. nauk. prakt. konf., 16-17 sich. 2021. Lviv – Current issues of the development of modern science and education (part I): materials of the III International of science practice conference, January 16-17 2021. Lviv. Р. 26-27. [in Ukrainian].

14. Matusiak M.V. (2015). Fitoindykatsiia ekolohichnykh faktoriv osnovnykh typiv lisovykh ekosystem v umovakh Podillia. [Phytoindication of ecological factors of the main types of forest ecosystems in the conditions of Podillia]. Naukovyi visnyk NLTU Ukrainy – Scientific bulletin of NLTU of Ukraine. Vol. 25. P. 165-170. [in Ukrainian].

15. Klymenko M.O., Tkachuk O.P., Pankova S.O. (2021). Ekolohichni problemy funktsionuvannia polezakhysnykh lisosmuh v umovakh Lisostepu Pravoberezhnoho. [Ecological problems of the functioning of field protection forest strips in the conditions of the Pravoberezhny Forest Steppe]. Silske hospodarstvo ta lisivnytstvo – Agriculture and forestry. № 1 ( 20). Р . 1 79-194. DOI:10.37128/2707- 5826-2021-14 [in Ukrainian].

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About journal

Topics of the journal:

Topics of the Journal:

Program goals (basic principles): questions of technology and efficiency of crop production, scientific and industrial aspects of agronomic specialties, ecology and forestry.

Articles on such scientific problems are accepted for printing:

Plant production, current state and prospects for development.

Agrochemistry and modern aspects of fertilizers and biologically active substances application.

Feed production, current state and prospects for development.

Selection, seed production, seed science and varieties.

Protection of plants.

Soil managment and soil quality improvement.

Forestry and gardening.

Vegetables and mushrooms, current status and development trends.

Ecology and environmental protection.

Theory and history of agricultural sciences and forestry.

Modern directions of development of arable land and forestry.

Innovative and investment activities in agriculture and forestry.

Directions and efficiency of crop production

Bioenergy resources of crop production and forestry.

Production of renewable energy from biological resources.

Organic farming, the main area of development and production of organic products.

Agriculture and modern crop rotation and soil cultivation.

Horticulture and viticulture.

Processing and storage of crop products.

Beekeeping, current status and development trends.

Contemporary biological research in crop production and forestry.

Progressive technologies of the agricultural complex.

Psychological and pedagogical problems of agrarian education.

The young scientist opinion.


Key information:
ISSN (print): 2707-5826
DOI: 10.37128/2707-5826
Key information:
ISSN (print): 2707-5826
DOI: 10.37128/2707-5826
Scientific journal "AGRICULTURE AND FORESTRY" was founded  in 1995;  it was entitled as  Bulletin of Vinnytsya State Agricultural Institute.
In 2010-2014 was enritled as Collection of scientific works of Vinnytsia National Agrarian University.
It has been named as Agriculture and Forestry since 2015.
Certificate of mass media state registration No. 21363-11163 Р of June 09, 2015
1. Founder (co-founder): Vinnytsia National Agrarian University.
2. Type of publication: journal.
3. Publication status: domestic.
4. Title(s) of publication: Agriculture and Forestry.
5. Language(s) of the publication: Ukrainian and English.
6. Spread: nationwide.
7. Categories of readers: students, postgraduates, scientists, employees of agroindustrial complex, state bodies of management.
8. Program goals (basic principles): questions of technology and efficiency of crop cultivation, scientific and industrial aspects of agronomic specialties, ecology and forestry.
9. Estimated periodicity of issue, volume (in conventional printed sheets) and format of publication: twice a half year, 7.5-15 conventional printed sheets, format: A4.
10. Legal address of the founder: 21008, Vinnytsia, Soniachna Street, 3; telephones: (0432) 56-03-13; 35-70-84, fax: (0432) 43-80-25; e-mail:
11. Location of the editorial office: 21008, Vinnytsia, Soniachna Street, 3.
12. Type of publication by purpose: agriculture and forestry, scientific production.
History of journal:

Journal History:

Scientific journal "AGRICULTURE AND FORESTRY" was founded  in 1995;  it was entitled as  Bulletin of Vinnytsya State Agricultural Institute.

In 2010-2014 was enritled as Collection of scientific works of Vinnytsia National Agrarian University.

It has been named as Agriculture and Forestry since 2015.

Listed in the updated list of scientific professional editions of Ukraine on agricultural sciences under the name Agriculture and Forestry (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine of May 16, 2016; No. 515).

Since 2015, "Agriculture and Forestry".  (archive of previous issues for 2015-2019) at http://forestry.vsau.edu.ua/.

The journal “Agriculture and Forestry (ISSN: 2707-5826)” passed the evaluation process of Index Copernicus positively and is indexed in the database of ICI Journals Master List   ICV for 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 is presented in the full list of indexed journals in the Master List International List 


According to the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 17.03.2020 № 409. The journal Agriculture and Forestry is included in the List of scientific professional publications of Ukraine Category "B" in agricultural sciences (specialties) - 101, 201, 202, 203, 205, 206.

According to the decision of the National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine dated 25.04.2024 No. 1337 scientific journal “Agriculture and Forestry” has the ID of the Media R30-05174.